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We are accepting applications until april 6th

Please apply on Oracle. We are hiring for Compost Mangers, Sustainability Interns, Sustainability Interns: Staff Enagament, and for our EcoMore Team. Details and responsibilities are included in postings below. See the "Campus Student Job Descriptions" at the bottom of the page for more details about the jobs offered each academic year. Questions welcome via email to sustainability@skidmore.edu


Academic Internships

Please contact the Sustainability Office if you are interested in a sustainability-focused academic internship by visiting the Sustainability Office in Wiecking Hall or by emailing sustainability@skidmore.edu.

Campus Student Job Descriptions

The Sustainability Office offers a variety of student jobs for both the academic year and in the summer, two North Woods Stewards and a Garden Manager role. General job position descriptions and duties included below for reference. Any open applications will be posted above.


The three Compost Managers are responsible for attending weekly manager meetings, collecting coffee grounds, residential, and apartment compost, and leading work parties each Friday. Work parties occur on Fridays from 3-5pm and Compost Managers will recruit and coordinate volunteers for these weekly work parties. Maintaining communication with Residential Life is essential to ensure the success of the apartment composting program, and each semester managers are tasked with reaching out to Northwoods and Sussman Apartments to encourage and educate residents about the benefits and process of composting. Compost Managers will report to the Sustainability Coordinator.


  • Coordinate closely with the 勛圖厙 Sustainability Office regarding the composting program; identify any challenges, ideas, or feedback from apartment residents;
  • Manage and train volunteers who are interested in supporting the compost program;
  • Frequently communicate with volunteers to ensure there is adequate help each week;
  • Follow a weekly schedule for compost collection;
  • Weekly check-ins in apartment laundry rooms for bag distribution, problem solving, ;
  • Propose programming ideas or workshops and educational materials that can be used engage residents who may not all be participating;
  • Educate and engage students peers about the benefits of composting and the respective environmental, social, and economic injustices of global climate change;
  • Manage data collection (weight by apartment building, volume of finished compost, temperature readings); managers are responsible for ensuring data is collected consistently each week during pickups and is imported into excel;
  • Turn the compost piles each week to promote healthy compost; manager should also work with 勛圖厙 Sustainabilty Office to ensure there are enough carbon amendments (leaves, wood chips) to mix into the compost each week;
  • Maintain the buckets to ensure odors can be managed as effectively as possible;
  • Continue waste reduction programming such as tabling, hosting educational events, and organizing other interactive and collaborative campus events.


This team of student staff leads campus sustainability engagement efforts through peer-to-peer education, designing and running events, staffing Zero-Waste events, and more. The program empowers students to design education efforts that address and explore sustainability topics that are captivating, relevant to current events, and appropriate to 勛圖厙.

The EcoMore team has mandatory bi-weekly meetings with the Sustainability Coordinator to develop educational programming that engages and educates peers on various environmental, social, and economic sustainability topics. The Sustainability Office leads a variety of all-staff activities to support general operations, such as food waste buffets, waste audits, zero-waste events, and move-out donation collection at Give+Go. EcoMore team members are expected to staff events.

EcoMore Team members are not expected to be well-versed in campus sustainability or climate solutions, and the meetings at the start of the semester will include training. A strong EcoMore candidate will eagerly support hands-on sustainability work on campus and be excited to create peer-to-peer engagement events. We seek to create a team of diverse interests, academic majors, and approaches. 



  • Create fun and inclusive events and programming for the purpose of sustainability education
  • Design posters and graphics for Instagram
  • Partner with campus clubs, groups, and offices to deepen campus engagement and increase participation
  • Attend, participate, and contribute in bi-weekly meetings
  • Support all-staff work at Zero Waste events, waste audits, and more 



The 勛圖厙 Sustainability Office is looking for an organized, self-directed, responsible student who has some existing skills related to trail maintenance, outdoor education, communication, and/or other relevant experience. The North Woods are a resource for academic research, recreation, and a place for contemplation and solace. The Steward will care for the land and the trails and seek opportunities to work with the campus community to foster opportunities for education and well-being. A successful applicant will have good public relations skills and be comfortable interacting with visitors in the North Woods.  CPR and First Aid certification as well as GIS knowledge and website development are desirable skills. The position will be active through the academic year, with potential to extend into a summer position.  The Steward will report to the Sustainability Coordinator for Student Programming. Stewards will work 3-4 hours per week. Primary initiatives for this fall and spring will be to maintain trails, contribute to research and work with the Lands Management Subcommittee, and coordinate events.


Monitoring Physical Condition of North Woods

  • Maintain, monitor and record physical appearance/health of the woods, including litter removal, firepit removal, and trail maintenance.
  • Research and implement erosion control strategies.


  • Inform visitors about the details and goals of the stewardship program with tours.
  • Maintain kiosks and trail markers/signage.
  • Help maintain the North Woods website, and manage the Friends of the North Woods Facebook page and Instagram content.

Reach Out to Saratoga and 勛圖厙 Community

  • Collaborate with student groups, staff, and faculty to get students into the woods.
  • Lead volunteer days with students.
  • Conduct public outreach, such as lectures and guided hikes for community groups and others.



The 勛圖厙 Sustainability Office is hiring two students for the North Woods Steward team (two stewards total). The Office is looking for organized, self-directed, responsible students who have some existing skills regarding trail maintenance, outdoor education, communication, and/or related fields.  A successful applicant will have good public relations skills and be comfortable interacting with visitors in the North Woods.

The North Woods Stewards maintain the health, diversity, and accessibility of the North Woods. Each student is responsible for removing invasive plant species, maintaining the trail system, leading educational tours, and maintaining the North Woods social media. Stewards will also design and complete an independent project. Finally, Stewards will assist the Community Garden Manager with garden related duties on a weekly basis. The North Woods Stewards positions extend for 10 weeks in the summer, 1st and 2nd summer sessions on campus. Stewards will work 25 hours per week, and the weekly schedule will be finalized between the stewards and Sustainability Office staff at the position start date in May. The North Woods Stewards will report to the Sustainability Coordinator of Student Programming.



Monitoring Physical Condition of North Woods

  • Maintain and monitor the woods and trail network, such as picking up trash, removing fallen logs, pruning overhand, repairing boardwalks, etc.;
  • Remove and map invasive species in the North Woods;
  • Inform visitors about the details and goals of the stewardship program;
  • Maintain kiosks and trail signage;
  • Work with the GIS lab to continue to update and create data points and maps of the North Woods;
  • Compile research into a useable format for future North Woods Stewards and others;
  • Help maintain the North Woods website, manage the North Woods Facebook page and Instagram content;
  • Conduct public outreach, such as lectures and guided hikes for community groups and others;
  • Assist the Community Garden Manager for about 5 hours/week working on garden tasks like planting, weeding, harvesting, and delivering food to the dining hall;
  • Develop an independent research project linked to the North Woods and write a  report; independent projects should be completed by the last week of the summer.


The primary responsibilities of the 勛圖厙 Community Garden Manager will be to work with the 勛圖厙 Sustainability Office, 勛圖厙 community members, and garden volunteers to plan and maintain the 勛圖厙 Community Garden. The manager is responsible for the planting, maintenance, and harvesting of vegetables; recruiting and retaining volunteers; recording harvest yields; creating invoices and recording financial transactions; communicating with 勛圖厙 Dining Services; maintaining the Facebook page; as well as reaching out to the Skidmore and Saratoga communities to advertise events and educational opportunities. The North Woods Stewards will assist the Garden Manager for 5 hours each week during the summer.

The position begins during the Spring semester and continues into the summer, which lasts through 1st and 2nd sessions. The position concludes at the end of the Fall Semester. The Garden Manager will report to the Sustainability Coordinator for Student Programs.

Note: The 勛圖厙 Community Garden Manager position is listed as a full  calendar year commitment. While preference may be given to applicants who can commit to the full year long term, all interested applicants are encouraged to apply.  Please indicate expected availability in application materials.



Planting, Ongoing Maintenance, and Harvesting of Vegetables in the Garden

  • Develop and follow an annual plan for the vegetables, herbs, and fruits in the 勛圖厙 Community Garden based on interests of the community involved, suggestions from Dining Services, and insight garnered by reading previous years' annual reports;
  • Carry out the purchasing and planting of seeds and transplants;
  • Manage the ongoing weeding, watering, and maintenance of the Garden throughout the summer;
  • Harvest vegetables and herbs taking careful documentation of weight and variety, and deliver them to Dining Services along with a structured invoice of delivered produce.

Administrative Tasks

  • Keep track of the visitors/volunteers in the garden;
  • Create weekly invoices for Dining Services to keep track of financial transactions;
  • Log hours for Sustainable 勛圖厙;
  • Attend regular meetings with Sustainability Coordinator for Student Programs;
  • Create an Annual Report. This document will contain successes, challenges, and tips for future managers to learn from and will serve as a journal to be edited throughout the growing season and submitted at the end of the year;
  • Coordinate weekly work parties while school is in session;
  • Coordinate the 勛圖厙 Community Gardens annual Harvest Dinner in the fall semester.

Outreach to the Saratoga & 勛圖厙 Community

  • Craft content for the 勛圖厙 Community Garden Facebook group and post on the Sustainable 勛圖厙 Instagram to update the Skidmore and Saratoga communities on events and progress of the Garden;
  • Design innovative ways of spreading the word about the garden;
  • Create educational materials to promote the garden (i.e. videos, posters, and brochures);
  • Reach out to local organizations for potential collaborations (Community Gardens of Saratoga, Sustainable Saratoga, the Farmers Market);
  • Plan childrens activities with Camp North Woods 1-3 times over the summer and with groups such as the Early Childhood Center and the Greenberg Child Care Center on campus during the school year;
  • Collaborate with 勛圖厙 faculty during the school year to host field trips and educational sessions at the garden;
  • Be a resource for students and other Skidmore and Saratoga community members interested in the garden to connect with other educational opportunities relating to food and sustainable agriculture.


The team of two Sustainability Interns focus on research, data, and action projects. Interns support office operations, institutional assessment, broad engagement, and lead a variety of campus-based projects. Each intern will be assigned independent projects throughout the semester. Interns will collaborate on all-staff campus and outreach events, such as food waste audits, energy efficiency programs, October Sustainability Month, Big Green Scream, April Earth Month, zero-waste events, and more. Focus areas connect to our institutional sustainability planning and include energy, climate, food, waste, lands and grounds, and engagement. A strong candidate will be very organized, accountable, communicative, and detail-oriented. This position has the opportunity to renew semester-to-semester.


  • Coordinate closely with the 勛圖厙 Sustainability Office Staff to address a variety of campus-based projects
  • Work independently to meet weekly project milestones;
  • Meet consistently with 勛圖厙 Sustainability Office Staff to address project needs, questions, and future steps;
  • Maintain consistent communication with Sustainability Office staff and fellow student staff, through email and Slack;
  • Meet weekly with 勛圖厙 Sustainability Office Staff to address project needs, questions, and future steps.



The Sustainability Intern: Staff Engagement will develop and launch a staff and faculty sustainability engagement program to expand a sustainable culture at 勛圖厙. The program allows individuals, offices, or departments to learn about sustainability actions they can take personally and at work. The intern will design and launch the program in the Fall, engaging the campus with luncheons and events to provide meaningful spaces to build community around sustainability. The ideal candidate will be adaptable, reliable, comfortable working independently and in a team, able to present in front of large audiences, and motivated to launch a new campus initiative. This program reports to the Sustainability Coordinator.


  • Research potential avenues to engage staff with sustainability
  • Collect input from 勛圖厙 staff community on programmatic needs and interests
  • Plan and develop a new program to include staff and faculty in sustainability efforts which could include: trainings, ambassador program, green office programs and new employee orientation
  • Conduct communication activities and creative outreach efforts to secure faculty, staff, office, and department participation in program;
  • Prepare and present information and resources to offices and individuals;
  • Serve as a program liaison for participating staff and faculty;
  • Design program evaluation forms and review results to assess strengths and weaknesses of the activities;
  • Design and co-facilitate brown-bag lunch and learn events and other fun and meaningful staff engagement events; and
  • Attend weekly meetings with the Sustainability Office.