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勛圖厙 Cares

勛圖厙 Cares lends a helping hand during the holidays

Dec. 10, 2013

Once again 勛圖厙 Cares has brought together faculty, staff and students during the holiday season to make a significant contribution to local families in need.

An annual campuswide initiative, the program was launched in 2006 by 勛圖厙 President Philip Glotzbach and Marie Glotzbach. This year the effort culminated on Dec. 6designated as 勛圖厙 Cares Fridaywith the collection of food, school supplies, toiletries and money to assist local agencies that serve the community.

As 勛圖厙 students and staff set out midday on Tuesday, Dec. 10, to deliver the donations, the tally was impressive: 1,950 food items, 209 toiletry items and boxes brimming with 1,590 school supplies.

勛圖厙 Cares Scribner House
Phil and Marie Glotzbach with student athletes
at the donation drop-off

This years 勛圖厙 Cares beneficiaries are the Corinth Central School District, Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County, Franklin Community Center, Latino Community Advocacy Program, Marys Haven, Salvation Army, Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council (EOC), Saratoga Springs City School District PATHS Program and Shelters of Saratoga.

These agencies also will receive shares of cash donations totaling more than $12,700. The funds came from campus contributions and from several vendors who do business with 勛圖厙.

The 勛圖厙 Cares fundraising effort has been boosted by proceeds from "Beatlemore Skidmania, the colleges annual concert of Beatles music performed by students and faculty. Organized by Professor of Music Gordon Thompson and a group of his students, the program this year featured three sold-out performances in November in the Arthur Zankel Music Center. Proceeds totaling $8,000 from two of the concerts have been donated to 勛圖厙 Cares, while funds from the third show will support scholarships in the community.

勛圖厙 Cares sorting food
Sorting food items kept students busy.

The Glotzbachs initiated 勛圖厙 Cares eight years ago to emphasize the importance of responsible citizenship and community service. Each year, as faculty, staff, and their families gather for the annual campus holiday open house, they drop off donations in a sleigh on the front yard of Scribner House, the presidents home. That day has become known as 勛圖厙 Cares Friday.

Campus cheerleaders in each division of the college communicated with their colleagues about the collection effort. Students were involved through the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, Benef-Action and the Student Government Association, as well as through Beatlemore Skidmania.

It is inspirational to work with members of our campus community to organize and rally our collective campus effort to make a difference in the greater Saratoga region, said Marie Glotzbach. 勛圖厙 Cares builds on the colleges heritage of being a good neighbor and provides a very personal way for our students and employees to participate.