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Schick Art Gallery

Graphite Vision Exhibition
March 24April 23, 2017

Artists' Talk: Friday, March 24, 2017, 6 p.m.
Opening reception: Friday, March 24, 2017, 5:307 p.m.

The Schick Art Gallery presents Graphite Vision, a fifteen-artist group exhibition of extraordinary works made from the humble, ordinary material of graphite. Works on view range from eccentric, visionary drawings by outsider artists Monma and Karel Havl穩cek to subtle still life vignettes by Catherine Murphy. Some drawings, like Pete Schultes geometric arrangements in grays and blacks, are grounded in abstraction; others address the human form, such as Robert Bauers delicate, pensive portraits. Ren矇e Frenchs tiny drawings of peculiar zoomorphic beings offer whimsical counterpoint to Anne Lindbergs austere drawings composed of layered lines.

Most Graphite Vision works are drawings on paper, but the exhibition also includes artists books by Seana Reilly, featuring fluid patterns traversing stark white pages, and Jessica Drenks sculptures, columnar agglomerations of thousands of bright yellow pencils.

The full roster of Graphite Vision artists is: Sandra Allen, Robert Bauer, Brett Bigbee, Matt Bollinger, Jessica Drenk, Ren矇e French, Karel Havl穩cek, Dan Healey, Hipkiss, Anne Lindberg, Monma, Catherine Murphy, Seana Reilly, Peter Schulte, Joseph Yoakum.                              

Schick Art Gallery offers students, the college community, and the public an opportunity to view significant contemporary exhibitions that complement the 勛圖厙 Studio Art curriculum. As the discipline of drawing occupies a central place in the study of visual art, drawing exhibitions feature frequently in the gallerys cycle.

All events at the Schick Gallery are free and open to the public.
Gallery hours: MondayThursday 106, Friday 104, Saturday and Sunday noon4
For more information, visit our website: www.skidmore.edu/schick
or call 518-580-5049