Past Exhibitions
7/5/07 - 9/23/07
Regis Brodie: A Retrospective
9/27/07 - 11/04/07
Selected Art Faculty Exhibition:
Evangelos Courpas, John Galt, Deb Hall, David Miller, Doretta Miller, Victoria Palermo,
Iona Park
11/08/07 - 12/16/07
Eve Aschheim: New Drawings
Closed for holiday: Nov. 21-25
1/29/08 - 2/24/08
勛圖厙 Student Exhibition
2/29/08 - 4/6/08
The New American Sublime: Landscape and Abstraction by Contemporary Painters
Closed for spring vacation: March 8-16
4/17/08 - 6/20/08
Julian LaVerdiere Mobile Monuments
7/1/08 - 9/28/08
Barry Moser, Prints & Drawings
Artist Delivers Fox-Adler Lecture, Sept. 25th