The Juniors Show
Works by thirteen junior art majors selected for participation by their art professors
May 4June 5, 2016
Wednesday, May 4, noon1:20 p.m., artists' talk in conjunction with the 2016 勛圖厙
Academic Festival
Friday, May 6, 56 p.m., opening receptionpublic welcome!
Please note special hours during this exhibition:
MondayFriday 114
Also open the weekends of May 2122 and June 45, Saturday and Sunday, noon4.
(Closed Memorial Day, May 30)
List of 2016 participants
Paris Baillie (video, animation)
August Bomer-Lawson (video, animation)
Willa Cassidy-Gardner (jewelry, drawing)
Jennifer Davies (photography)
Rosa Desmond (drawing)
Sarah Donovan (lithography)
Sam Friedman (drawing)
Isabel Goldstein (drawing)
Jonathan Hernandez (fibers)
Katie Melland (etching)
Tara Patrina (fibers)
Jamie Scherzer (jewelry)
Zhiyu Zhou (communication design and photography)