Contemplations and Conjectures: 12 Artists
March 23 - May 6, 2012
Gallery talk: Friday, March 23, 5 - 6PM
Opening reception: Fri., March 23, 6 - 7:30 PM
Wall Fingering #8 in progress
Installation View
(Click here to view more images of the exhibition)
Contemplations and Conjectures is an invitational group show featuring drawings by twelve contemporary artists: Sadaie Ayuko, Judith Ann Braun, Jeff Feld, Meg Hitchcock, Cynthia Ona Innis, Michael Schall, Charlotte Schulz, Ruijun Shen, Hiroyuki Shindo, Lorene Taurerewa, Antoinette Winters, and Sandy Winters.
The contemporary definition of drawing is generally broad in scope, encompassing works
created with a variety of tools and on diverse surfaces. Contemplations and Conjectures presents works that range from rigorous representation, such as Michael Schalls
graphite drawings presenting industrial architecture in surreal, ominous landscapes,
to works that are unconventional in process or materials, like Judith Ann Brauns
Wall Fingerings and Meg Hitchcocks drawings made from excised holy texts.