勛圖厙 Retiree Library
The Scribner Library offers a variety of .
These include the , which includes materials (books, feature films, documentaries) on subjects such as retirement planning (both financial and psychological), health, and life writing. You may access items by browsing the subject headings listed on this page and may also search the library catalog, using the keywords "retiree library." All materials are integrated into the librarys main collection and are shelved according to format and subject matter.
The collection was started with funding from an award from the American Council on Education and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The 2012 award recognized 勛圖厙s innovative practices in supporting faculty retirement.
We are continuing to build the collection. If you wish to add materials to the retiree library, please send your suggestions to Susan Kress at skress@skidmore.edu