Statements, Messages and Speeches from President Marc C. Conner
- We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on our plans for the fall term of 2020. As you all know quite well, we face an extremely complex and challenging set of circumstances during this pandemic, and every school in the nation is working through the many challenges of returning to campus while living with this virus.
- Im pleased and honored to be sending out my first weekly update to you all. Below, I write about the considerations and next steps involved in planning for the fall semester, a new website focused on our reopening planning process, and the decision about our fall study abroad and international programs.
- I am writing to express my gratitude and enthusiasm for the very helpful findings and well-supported recommendations that the 2020-2021 Academic Planning Working Group shared on Monday. As I said at the IPPC discussion on Wednesday, you have done the College a great service through this thoughtful and wide-ranging discussion of, as the charge outlined, options for how we can offer high-quality educational programs for our students under a variety of possible scenarios.
- The last four months have certainly tested us all in ways we never could have anticipated, and we thank you all for your efforts in supporting our students, each other and the mission of 勛圖厙 during such an immensely challenging time.