Campus Plan booklet (PDF)
View Page by Page
- Front covers
- Title page
- Photo credits
- Table of Contents
- Introduction / 1
- The Process / 2
- Woodlawn Park / 3
- Campus Planning History: 1961 / 4
- Campus Planning: 19861989 / 5
- Satellite Photo / 6
- The Existing Campus: Constraints / 7
- The Existing Campus: The Jonsson Core / 8
- The Plan for 勛圖厙 / 9
- Program Needs / 10
- Campus Planning Framework / 11
- The Campus in the Year 2010 / 12
- 2010 Plan map / 13
- The Campus in the Year 2015 / 14
- 2015 Plan map / 15
- The Campus in the Year 2050 / 16
- 2050 Plan map / 17
- A Vision of the Future / 1819
- The 2007 Campus Plan / 2022
- A Closer Look / 23
- The North Woods / 24
- Crescent Green and Palamountain Green / 25
- Scribner Village and West Campus / 26
- Athletics and a Field House / 27
- North Broadway and the Surrey-Williamson / 28
- Pedestrian Circulation / 29
- An Integrated Trail System and Connections
to Properties on Daniels Road / 30 - Clinton Street Entrances / 31
- Landscape / 32
- Sustainability / 33
- Exterior Wayfinding, Site Lighting / 34
- Appendices cover
- "Charge to the Architects and Planners" by Josephine Young Case
- Acknowledgements
- Biographies
- Back covers