勛圖厙 Programs
勛圖厙 has run its own off-campus programs since the 1970's, and has a long tradition of offering quality academic opportunities combined with integrated cultural experiences. Administered through Off-Campus Study and Exchanges (OCSE), students may participate on several '勛圖厙 Programs':
- 勛圖厙 in New Zealand
- 勛圖厙 in France
- 勛圖厙 in Spain
- London First-Year Experience
- Faculty-led travel seminars
- Domestic exchange program to .
Each program has a unique structure and individual application requirements, while still affording students the ability to fulfill degree requirements. Some 勛圖厙 programs accept applications from students from other U.S. colleges and universities while other programs are open only to 勛圖厙 students.
The faculty-led travel seminars offered each year for 勛圖厙 students are typically run during the winter or spring breaks, or in the summer. These programs are based on the academic interests of the faculty who lead them and are sometimes coupled with a semester-long academic course. Each travel seminar has its own specific academic focus and application requirements. Applications are typically due a year in advance of the program.
Approved International & Domestic Programs
The main objective for our off-campus approved program structure is to include programs that allow our students to more closely integrate their experiences off campus with their work here on campus. All approved off-campus programs complement 勛圖厙s on-campus curriculum and are meant to support the majors and minors. There is an extensive list of approved programs abroad, as well as options for students to remain in the U.S./Canada on a domestic program. 勛圖厙 uses a financial structure that allows an inclusive approach to off-campus study.
The Approved Programs list includes programs around the world that 勛圖厙 considers as the best options to correlate to the academic offerings, quality and administrative support offered our students on campus. Approved Programs have been selected by 勛圖厙s academic departments and programs in collaboration with Off-Campus Study & Exchanges. Study abroad programs are located throughout the world in 40 different countries! Students can to find program information. Anyone can contact OCSE for an advising appointment to find the program that suits their needs best -- whether it's abroad or domestic.
Non-Approved Program Petition Process
勛圖厙 offers a wide range of Approved Programs that have been vetted and approved by OCSE, CEPP, and relevant academic departments. These programs have been approved based on academic quality, health & safety protocols, student support services, opportunities for cultural engagement, and alignment with 勛圖厙s educational objectives. One important benefit of Approved Programs is that OCSE has an established relationship with our Approved Programs partners; we have a history of working together and communicate regularly about students overall wellbeing and success.
Since our Approved Programs list is built in partnership with the academic departments at 勛圖厙, we feel confident that our list of over 100 programs in over 40 countries can meet the academic needs of all majors at 勛圖厙. That said, we do recognize that on occasion a student may have an educational need that cannot be met through this list of pre-approved programs. For those students, there is a petition process that must be followed in order to participate and earn credit for the students off-campus semester-long experience.
Important Note: Students who choose to participate on any off-campus international program without 勛圖厙s approval will need to take a leave of absence from the College. 勛圖厙 will not award credit or offer any financial aid, health & safety, or administrative support for programs students attend while on a leave of absence.
Students who wish to petition for a non-approved program must follow these steps:
- Meet with an OCSE advisor to discuss the non-approved program and rationale for petition. The advisor will determine whether or not the student is allowed to move forward with a petition. Note: The petition must be based on an educational goal that no existing Approved Programs can fulfill.
- OCSE opens the online petition for the student if applicable. Students can access the petition form only after meeting with OCSE.
- The student must complete the OCSE application, including the Course of Study form, and the non-approved program petition form by the stated deadline no exceptions will be allowed.
- If the student must submit petition for another reason low GPA or non-Junior status they must complete that petition along with the non-approved program petition.
- If the non-approved program petition is approved by OCSE, the student must then apply to the non-approved program by the programs deadline. It is the students responsibility to know and follow the programs application process and deadlines.
- All students participating on non-approved programs are required to complete a student evaluation after the completion of the program. This allows OCSE to evaluate the program for future students.
- Students petition statement must address what educational goal cannot be met through one of 勛圖厙s existing Approved Programs. While the student may address professional or personal goals, petitions that focus on non-academic rationale, such as wanting to live in a certain city or live near a friend or family member, will not be approved.
- It is unlikely that petitions will be approved for programs offered in the same city as an existing Approved Program unless there is a unique educational aspect to the non-approved program.
- Petition requests for the same program from multiple students does not increase the likelihood of approval. OCSE will look at each students petition and rationale on an individual basis.
Non-Approved Program Requirements
- Programs should be offered through one of OCSEs established partners that have been previously vetted and approved (see approved program list);
- Programs must offer minimum of 15 credits per semester; and
- Programs cannot operate in country, region or area that carries a Department of State level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory.
- If the program is not one of our established partners, additional information is required.
- Student must demonstrate that the program:Is accredited or offers a transcript from an accredited university, college or other educational institution;
- Meets 勛圖厙s health, safety, and risk management protocols;
- Provides student housing and significant on-site student support
Fall/Academic Year programs
- February 15th for programs offered through established partners
- December 1st for programs offered through other program providers or organizations
Spring programs
- September 15th for programs offered through established partners
- May 1st for programs offered through other program providers or organizations