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  • Net tuition revenue  Tuition charged, less financial aid 
  • Endowment take-out  Investment earnings from the endowment used to support College operations; amount approved by the Board of Trustees based on a spending policy 
  • Auxiliary operations  Primarily room and board charges 
  • Annual gifts  Fundraising from the 勛圖厙 Fund 
  • Grants and other programs  Primarily funding from external grants for specific purposes 
  • Investment earnings  Interest and investment income from operating cash 
  • Other income  Miscellaneous income from various sources 


  • Salaries and wages  Amounts paid to faculty, staff, and temporary employees 
  • Benefits  Costs for benefit programs that include Social Security tax, health care, and retirement contributions 
  • Transfers to capital  Funding for capital items such as building maintenance and renovation, technology, and equipment 
  • Services and supplies  Costs for consumable items and various services 
  • Debt service  Interest and principal repayments on borrowings from bonds 
  • Other expenses  Primarily utilities, student wages, and contingency 

Above the line, net 

Operating revenues, less operating expenses. Operating revenues include sources that are forecasted to continue annually. For student enrollment, operating revenues include a 2,350 net student enrollment that represents the fall and spring average of on-campus students. Investment earnings are based on an interest rate of 1%. 

Below the line, net 

Operating revenues that are forecasted for a single fiscal year but not forecasted to continue annually. Net tuition, room and board revenues from student enrollment above 2,350 are included in this category. Investment earnings above the interest rate of 1% also are included.


The amount of money left over after all expenses are covered by revenue.


The amount of money by which expenses exceed all revenue.