First-Year Experience in London
Each fall two faculty members have the opportunity to serve as on-site directors of
勛圖厙s First-Year Experience in London program. Each faculty director teaches
a Scribner Seminar, developed for the program and specific to London; students take
additional 勛圖厙-specific courses at the IES London Center. Faculty interested
in serving as the director of 勛圖厙s First-Year Experience in London should review
the program proposal guidelines (available on the OCSE website) and should notify
the Director of Off-Campus Study & Exchanges. OCSE typically announces available FYE in
London program opportunities two years in advance of the program dates. Appointments
are made after consultation and review by the Director of OCSE, the Director of the
First-Year Experience, the Office of the Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for
Academic Affairs, and the appropriate department chair(s).