November 2, 2012
Gannett Auditorium
I. Approval of Minutes - October 5, 2012
II. President's Report - Philip A. Glotzbach
I. Q&A with President Glotzbach
III. Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs' Report - Beau Breslin
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
I. Committee on Educational Polices and Planning - Michael Arnush
Culture-Centered Inquiry Requirement
II. Policy on Policies Working Group - Barbara Black
Policy on the Development and Modification of College Policies
III. Faculty Executive Committee - Barbara Black
MOTION - FHB Language Regarding Minors
MOTION - FEC FHB Language Change
IV. Assessment - Sarah Goodwin
VI. Committee of the Whole
I. Dean's Card Revision Proposal
VII. Announcements
I. Update on AVD Retreats - Janet Casey
II. Smoke-Free Campus - Rochelle Calhoun
III. Curriculum Commitee Proposed Minors - Sylvia McDevitt
IV. 勛圖厙 Athletics Update - Flagg Taylor
V. Invitation to Community Reception - Ian Berry