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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


October 5, 2012
Gannett Auditorium


President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.


President Glotzbach asked if there were any corrections to, or comments regarding, the minutes of the Faculty Meeting held September 7, 2012. Hearing none, he announced the minutes were approved.


President Glotzbach reported that in an effort to increase transparency and collaboration in governance at all levels, Linda Toohey, Chair of the Board of Trustees, was in attendance at today's meeting. A round of applause was given to Chair Toohey.

President Glotzbach reported that the second annual Governance Meeting of chairs of the major committees and members of the administration was held. He noted that the purpose of these meetings is to share information about agendas for the year--to avoid possible surprises, and to ensure that important topics are being considered by the right groups. More information about this meeting will be shared by Interim Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs (DOF/VPAA) Beau Breslin and Professor Barbara Black, Chair of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC).

President Glotzbach also reported on the terrific work that continues to be done on the science planning by the Science Planning Committee led by Karen Kellogg, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Infrastructure, Sustainability, and Civic Engagement, and Professor Kim Frederick, and the many others from across the sciences who have contributed in important ways. The architectural firm Payette has been retained, and they are working on a range of conceptual designs. These designs have been discussed by both the President's Cabinet and the Institutional Policy and Planning Committee, and the Board will receive a presentation in October. The architectural work is still in a very early stage; once the plans move further along, there will be opportunities to share this work more broadly with the 勛圖厙 community.

President Glotzbach also reported on a very successful conference hosted by 勛圖厙 sponsored by the Consortium on High Achievement and Success (CHAS) which focused on "Building an Academic Community that is Prepared to Deliver Inclusive Excellence." In addition to participants from 勛圖厙, representatives from Bates, Bucknell, Holy Cross, St. Rose, Dartmouth, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Swarthmore, Trinity, Union, and Vassar were in attendance. The featured speaker was Daryl Smith of the Claremont Graduate University. He thanked the members of the planning committee - Paty Rubio, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Personnel, Development, and Diversity; Associate Professor Kristie Ford; Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs; Mariel Martin, Director of Student Diversity Programs; and Sue Layden, Associate Dean of Student Affairs - for all their work in bringing this conference to Skidmore as well as the faculty members and administrators who attended.

In concluding his report, President Glotzbach acknowledged the question raised by Professor Regina Janes at the September meeting regarding the debt carried by 勛圖厙 graduates relating to financial aid. We will return to that issue at the November meeting when both Mary Lou Bates, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, and Beth Post-Lundquist, Director of Financial Aid, can be in attendance. He noted that this is complex and should make for an interesting discussion.


Interim DOF/VPAA Breslin provided an update on the science planning and thanked the members of the Science Facilities Task Force and Professors Kim Frederick and Karen Kellogg, as well as the science faculty, for the wonderful work they have done. He noted that the programming work is largely complete; as the process moves forward, there will be opportunities to bring other groups into the conversation.

Interim DOF/VPAA Breslin also discussed the ways in which 勛圖厙 is trying to build a diverse and inclusive community. He noted that the CHAS conference mentioned by President Glotzbach was wonderfully successful; by attending the conference, he learned that 勛圖厙 is actually doing things that are innovative and different than most of the other schools to build a diverse and inclusive community and it helped him to think about ideas moving forward. Interim DOF/VPAA Breslin also noted that his office hosted an inclusive hiring workshop conducted by Linda Marchesani, our consultant, in collaboration with Human Resources, to help department chairs in building inclusive candidate pools.

Thereafter, Interim DOF/VPAA Breslin and Professor Barbara Black, Chair of FEC, discussed the shared governance meeting that was held. Interim DOF/VPAA Breslin noted that the meeting was very successful and expressed his commitment to working with Professor Black and President Glotzbach this year in restructuring the faculty meeting. He also reminded everyone that there will be an Academic Summit on January 18, 2013; we are in the process of generating ideas for the summit now and an email will be forthcoming. Interim DOF/VPAA Breslin hoped everyone will be able to attend. Professor Black also noted that FEC is committed to Committee of the Whole discussions this year and encouraged anyone wishing to discuss a particular issue to please forward them to her, Interim DOF/VPAA Breslin or Debbie Peterson. In the meantime, suggestions for Committee of the Whole discussions include rigor and excellence, the soul of a liberal arts college, technology and learning, prepatory discussion for the Academic Summit, faculty work lives, and assessment.


On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee, Professor Barbara Black read the following Motion that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (see attached):

      MOTION: The Faculty Executive Committee moves that the 2012-2013 Faculty Handbook be adopted. The following link takes you to the 2012-2013 Faculty Handbook (showing tracked changes) as well as handbooks from previous years:  Faculty Handbooks

Professor Black reported on some minor changes, most of which were housekeeping changes, that were made to the 2012-2013 Faculty Handbook that were made since the Handbook was originally posted online. Brief discussion was held concerning these changes, particularly the sharing of minutes between committees. Thereafter, the Motion was voted on and passed with all in favor.


There was no new business.


On behalf of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Degree Committee, Associate Professor Maria Lander read the following resolution into the record (see attached):

     RESOLVED, that the Faculty of 勛圖厙 recommend to the Trustees the granting of the Master of Arts degree to one student.

There was no discussion, and the motion was voted on and passed with all in favor.


SGA Introductions. Members of the Student Government Association introduced themselves to the faculty: Matt Walsh, President; Amanda Seres, Vice President for Communication and Outreach; Ben Bechand, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Emilee Bell, Senior Class President and Inter-Class Council Chair; Jovany Andujar, Vice President for Diversity Affairs; Donald Duff, Vice President for Financial Affairs; Jessica Sonnenfeld, Vice President for Residential Affairs; and Leland Martin, Vice President for Club Affairs. President Glotzbach thanked all the SGA officers for their service, and a round of applause was given.

Introductions and Agenda for the Year. Major Committee chairs introduced themselves and provided a brief overview of their agenda this year:

  • Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Vice Chair of the Institutional Policy and Planning Committee (IPPC): IPPC's agenda for this year focuses on diversity and inclusion as well as financial aid and admissions, budget and finance, science initiative, transitions and transformations, redesign of the web, and process and timeline for the next strategic plan.
  • Michael Arnush, Committee on Educational Policies and Planning: CEPP has a full agenda for the year and is posted online, which includes two issues from last year--culture-centered inquiry and the dean's cards.
  • Mark Hofmann, Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (CAPT): CAPT's business of representing the faculty on administrative appointments and reviews, promotion and tenure include the review of 11 tenure cases as well as involvement in the DOF/VPAA search and discussion of the dean's cards.
  • Mary Lynn, Committee on Academic Freedom and Rights (CAFR): CAFR's work involves confidential matters relating to academic freedom and rights.
  • Alice Dean, Faculty Development Committee (FDC): There are no specific agenda items on FDC's agenda so far this year; however, it is anticipated they will make three major awards this year and will administer a variety of grants, summer collaborative research and sabbatical enhancements.
  • Sylvia McDevitt, Curriculum Committee (CC): CC reviews new courses, revisions to courses and major curricular changes. So far this year, there are major changes being proposed in Psychology and Chemistry; and CC is working with FEC to include language in the Faculty Handbook concerning the establishment of minors.
  • Barbara Black, Faculty Executive Committee (FEC): FEC oversees faculty governance, runs elections, observes Board of Trustee meetings, acts as a conduit for information regarding major initiatives, and oversees the Faculty Handbook. Two important items this year include the need for greater clarity for non-tenure-track faculty and the possibilities for advancement as well as more guidance in the Handbook regarding promotion and promotion cases. In addition, FEC will be co-sponsoring the Academic Summit in January and is committed to Committee of the Whole discussions at Faculty Meetings this year.

Thereafter, the floor was opened for questions directed to committee chairs:

  • A concern raised was the lack of assessment on the committee's agendas; however, it was noted that it is anticipated that a Committee of the Whole discussion will be held this academic year focusing on assessment.
  • A concern was raised regarding the lack of willingness to serve on committees; it was suggested that the shared governance process would be much more beneficial if more people became involved.
  • A discussion was held concerning the possibility of CEPP finding a way to not have any classes the week of Thanksgiving without losing any class days.


  • Professor Alice Dean announced that the deadline for nominations for the Moseley lecturer for the 2013-14 academic year is Friday, October 19, 2012.
  • Interim Dean of Special Programs Paul Calhoun encouraged everyone to consider teaching a class during the 2013 summer session and asked that his office be notified by October 26, 2012 if there is any interest in teaching in the 2013 summer session.
  • Professor Janet Casey provided an update on the Civic Engagement initiative funded by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, noting that a panel discussion on civic engagement featuring four of our Trustees--Pauline Kisiel '62, Julianne Cartwright Traylor '68, Andy Hughes '92, and Antonio Mojica '02--will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. in the Gannett Auditorium. She asked that everyone advertise this panel discussion with their classes and to encourage their students to attend.
  • Associate Professor Mimi Hellman provided an update on this Spring's Mellon Faculty Seminar, noting that this year's destination will be New York City. This year's seminar will start with a trip January 8-11 followed by meetings twice a month on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00 p.m. She asked that anyone interested in participating contact her, Alison Barnes, John Weber or Rachel Seligman.
  • Rochelle Calhoun invited everyone to attend a reception immediately following the meeting in the Murray Aikins banquet hall.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra L. Peterson
Executive Administrative Assistant