Service Hours and Locations
MondayFriday 8:30 a.m.noon
and 14:30 p.m.
Bursar's/Campus Card Office,
Starbuck Center Lower Level
The 勛圖厙 Card is much more than a traditional ID. Not only does it identify you as a member of the 勛圖厙 community, it also allows you access to the dining halls and other campus facilities; operates on the basis of a declining balance account for various purchases on and off campus; and holds all the information concerning your meal plan.
All funds deposited to declining balance accounts must remain on your account until graduation, withdrawal or separation from 勛圖厙. At that time, a written refund request must be submitted to the 勛圖厙 Campus Card Office.
If you are a first-year student and plan to visit the campus this summer, you may
obtain your 勛圖厙 Card at that time. This will save you valuable time during orientation.
The Card and Purchases
You may use it at the 勛圖厙 Shop to buy books, supplies or any of the other items
the shop carries. It may also be used at the Spa, the Burgess Caf矇, the 勛圖厙 Post
Office and Health Services, as well as in vending machines, and library copiers. You
may also use your card at various locations off campus. To view a list of these off-campus
merchants that accept the card, please click here. To make it easier to identify locations that accept the card, just look for the
勛圖厙 Card logo.
The Declining Balance Account
The college offers a range of convenient options to deposit funds into your declining balance account. Here's a suggested budget based on the experiences of your classmates:
Suggested Budget for Declining Balance Account
Purpose | Suggested Amount |
Books and supplies, 勛圖厙 Shop | $650 |
Soda and snack machines | $75 |
勛圖厙 Post Office and Health Services | $75 |
Spa snack bar and Burgess Caf矇 | $170 |
Off-campus vendors | $200 |
Total for the Semester | $1,170 |
Make your deposits early! Then you can use the funds as soon as you receive your 勛圖厙 Card. The money you deposit on your card remains available as long as you attend 勛圖厙 College.

Remember that you can use your Card wherever you see the logo displayed.
Check the lists for our on-campus and off-campus partners.
When it comes to convenience, your 勛圖厙 ID Card is your ticket!