Transfer to 勛圖厙
No matter the reason, we believe transferring is a chance for you to open new doors, make new academic connections and build new relationships. Luckily, that's what we're all about.
Transfer applications are accepted for the fall semester. Spring entry is sometimes not available due to strong enrollment at the College. We will be able to accept transfer applications for Spring 2025.
- To be considered for fall admission, you should apply (and submit all financial aid paperwork) by April 1.
- To be considered for spring admission, you should apply (and submit all financial aid paperwork) by 烤ov. 1.
Questions? Contact Lisa Rinaolo-Johnson by email or phone, 518-580-5575.
Transfer Application Checklist
Please submit the following:
- Common Application for Transfer Admission
- Personal statement answering application essay prompt
- Official transcripts from all colleges or universities where you have registered for any courses
- Final high school transcript
- Two (2) College Instructor Evaluations from instructors who have taught you in academic courses
- A College Official Report indicating you are in good standing at the time of application and that no disciplinary action is pending
- A Midterm Grade Report indicating your grades-in-progress for the current term
- $65 application fee 烤o application can be processed until the fee is received or a request for a waiver has been submitted.
Apply as a transfer student if you have completed the equivalent of a U.S. secondary school education and will have at least one full-time semester (12 or more credits) as a degree candidate at another college or university.
Transfer applications are accepted for both fall and spring semesters. To be considered for fall admission, you should apply and submit all appropriate financial aid paperwork by April 1. Applications and all appropriate financial aid paperwork for our spring term should be submitted by November 1.
For transfer admission, we place particular emphasis on the applicant's academic record in college but will also consider the secondary school record and standardized test scores. The committee will consider how well previous course selection at both the secondary and post-secondary level has prepared the applicant to satisfy 勛圖厙's degree requirements. Personal qualities, accomplishments, interests and capacity for growth are also considered, so careful attention is paid to recommendations and the student's personal statement.
A minimum of one semester of college level work must be completed to apply as a transfer.
Some need-based institutional grant assistance is available. For more information, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 518-580-5750.
Yes. Housing is guaranteed for all incoming transfers.
Our goal is to provide important information that will guide you through the transfer process. Please consider using to obtain a preliminary evaluation of your transfer credit. You will need to set up an account to get started. 涉dditional questions regarding transfer credits should be directed to Paula Brehm in the Registrar's office.
Evaluation of Credits from Accredited Colleges or Universities
- Students are required to complete a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit at 勛圖厙 to receive a 勛圖厙 degree (120 credits total). A maximum of 60 credits can be awarded in transfer credit (including credit by examination).
- To earn credit at 勛圖厙, all transfer credit must come from a regionally accredited, degree-granting college or university (including community colleges) or a program pre-approved by 勛圖厙's Office of Off-Campus Study and Exchanges.
- With the exception of 勛圖厙-approved abroad and domestic programs, students may earn no more than 8 maturity-level credits away from 勛圖厙.
- A letter grade of C' or higher is required to earn transfer credit. 胼C-' and below will not earn transfer credit at 勛圖厙. Courses for which a Pass or Satisfactory was earned at the other college will earn credit at 勛圖厙 ONLY if the college can provide a letter grade in addition to the Pass.
- Grades do not transfer to Skidmore and are not calculated into the 勛圖厙 Grade Point Average.
- Courses not awarded academic credit by the other college will not earn transfer credit at 勛圖厙.
- Credit can be awarded for liberal arts courses taken in disciplines not offered by 勛圖厙 upon review by the Registrar. 涅f approved, these courses earn general elective credit.
- Courses taken at other colleges in technical or professional areas are usually not transferable to 勛圖厙.
- Community college courses cannot earn maturity-level (300-level) credit.
Evaluation of Credits for People Holding a Bachelor's Degree
- A person who has already received a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree may not be matriculated at Skidmore as a candidate for the same degree. S/he may be a candidate for the other bachelor's degree, or may register as a special student and complete the required work in another major field. 勛圖厙 has a two-year residency requirement, and 60 credits may be transferred to 勛圖厙. 涉ll college requirements must be completed. Applicants who have earned a baccalaureate degree are encouraged to pursue course work at the graduate level.
Calculation of Credits From Other Institutions
- Quarter System: Credits are calculated by taking 2/3 of the quarter system credits
- 勛圖厙 credits are articulated in semester hours. When transferring credit from institutions that utilize another form of academic credit (e.g. units, trimesters), the credits will be converted into semester hours using the transcript key on the back of the transcript.
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