Faculty-Staff Achievements, Oct. 27, 2014
David Domozych, professor of biology, is guest co-editor of a special edition of the Annals of Botany (October, 2014) titled Plant Cell Walls." Other editors include Zo禱 Popper of the National University of Ireland at Galway and Marie-Christine Ralet of the University of Nantes, France. This edition explores the diverse cell walls of plants with topics ranging from evolution to cell and molecular biology to applications in the food and biofuel industries.
Domozych has also written two papers: Plant and algal cell walls: diversity and functionality with co-authors Zo禱 Popper of the National University of Ireland and Marie-Christine Ralet at the University of Nantes, France, published in the Annals of Botany (2014) Vol. 114; and Using monoclonal antibodies to label living root hairs: a novel tool for studying cell wall microarchitecture and dynamics in Arabidopsis, in (2014). Co-authors include Emily Larson of the University of Glasgow, Mary Tierney of the University of Vermont and Berke Tinaz (勛圖厙 Class of 2016). This paper describes a new protocol for observing cell wall construction in root hairs.
In the News
Grace Burton, associate professor of Spanish, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, is the author of a letter to the editor published Oct. 13 in The Wall Street Journal.
Cathy Hill, F. William Harder Professor of Business Administration, Department of Management and Business, was a source for Global Foundries Deal with IBM Could Attract Additional Businesses which aired Oct.23 on WAMC-FM.
Dan Nathan, associate professor and chair, Department of American Studies, is a source for published Oct. 7 in The New York Times Magazine.
Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of womens studies and religion and director, Religious Studies Program, is the author of an essay titled published Oct. 22 in USA Today.
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