Scribner Seminar Program
Course Description
The Liberally Educated Leader: Human values in action
Instructor(s): Marie Glotzbach, Theater and Philip Glotzbach, President
What does it mean to be a leader? How have different people who have approached the world in very different ways become effective leaders? How does one develop the ethical compass necessary to become an ethical leader? What does an effective leader need to know and be able to do? What personal characteristics tend to be found in successful leaders, and how can one develop those traits in oneself? In this seminar, students will address such questions from various disciplinary, theoretical, and practical perspectives. They will develop an array of conceptual and experimental tools that will be useful to them in appreciating the fundamental role of leadership in human affairs and in understanding and evaluating the actions of leaders. Using the 勛圖厙 campus as a laboratory, students also will participate in a series of exercises and projects that will help them discover their individual leadership styles and develop and enhance the personal traits they need to function more effectively as leaders themselves.