October 6, 2006
Gannett Auditorium
I. Approval of Minutes - September 8, 2006
II. Presidents Report Philip A. Glotzbach
III. Report from Academic Affairs
I. Dean of the Faculty Muriel Poston
II. Student Government Association Introductions and Report on Goals
for the Year - Dan Moran
IV. Old Business
I. CEPP Motions 勛圖厙 in Beijing Program Beau Breslin
V. New Business
I. Resolutions Candidates for the Degree
I. UWW Sheldon Solomon
II. MALS Mary Correa
II. FEC Dan Curley
I. Faculty Handbook Announcement
II. Round One of Committee Elections
VI. Reports
VII. Other
VIII. Announcements
I. Jeff Segrave Community Announcement
II. John Weber - Upcoming Events at the Tang Museum and Invitation
to Community Reception