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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


April 28, 2006
Gannett Auditorium


I. Approval of Minutes - March 31, 2006

II. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report Charles M. Joseph

I. Retirements

I. CAPT - Resolution
II. Recognition of Retirees
III. Dean of the Faculty Report Muriel Poston

III. Old Business

IV. New Business

I. FEC Tim Burns

I. Motions (3) - Handbook Revisions

V. Reports

I. CAPT Lary Opitz VPAA Search Committee
II. SGA Petria Fleming Report regarding the Integrity Board

VI. Other

VII. Announcements

I. First-Year Experience Tillman Nechtman
II. Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery John Weber
III. Academic Festival Catherine Golden
IV. 勛圖厙 Employee Scholarship Fund Susan Walzer
V. Retirement Celebration! Surrey Williamson Inn Sponsored by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty