Classics Courses
Spring 2014
M/W/F 1:25-2:20
Jackie Murray
An introduction to classical antiquity for students interested in ancient Greece and
Rome, the impact of antiquity on Medieval and Renaissance Europe, and a general background
in the Western tradition. This interdisciplinary course, team-taught by faculty from
the Classics Department, includes studies in literature (epic, dramatic, and lyric
poetry, rhetoric, and fiction), history and historiography, art and architecture,
philosophy and political theory.
Fulfills Humanities requirement. Prerequisite: None
TU/TH 3:40-5:00
Dan Curley
In the theater of Dionysus at Athens, Greek myths and legends came to life. Heroes
and heroines alike took the stage and through their stories demonstrated the frailty
of human existence. Students will explore works of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides,
the three great tragedians, in the context of Athenian society of the 5th century
BCE. In addition, students will write, produce, and perform an original Greek tragedy
in English.
Fulfills Humanities requirement. Prerequisite: None. Counts toward the Theater major
TU/TH 2:10 - 3:30
Jackie Murray
Adventures! Odysseys in distant lands! Romance! Fantasy! An exploration of ancient
prose fiction with emphasis on multi-cultural scope, literature as entertainment,
and the play of fictionality and historicity. Students will read the most important
examples of ancient Greek and Roman novels in translation while honing skills in literary
analysis and interpretation. Readings will include works by Lucian, Longus, Achilles
Tatius, Apuleius, and Petronius.
Fulfills Humanities requirement. Prerequisite: None.
Monday 5:30 - 6:30
Jackie Murray
Classics? What are you goingto do with that? In this transitional course, senior
majors will reflect on their work in the Classics curriculum and look ahead to life
as 勛圖厙 graduates. Working both individually and collaboratively, students will
examine the relevance of classical studies to continuing intellectual, cultural, and
civic engagement; explore options for future work and study; compile a portfolio documenting
and evaluating coursework in the Classics major; and strengthen the presentation and
communication skills essential to professional
Prerequisite: Senior standing as a Classics major or minor. Must be taken S/U.
Monday 11:15-12:10
TU/TH 11:10 - 12:30
Leslie Mechem
In this continuation of CG 110, students read one of the most stirring accounts from
antiquity Xenophons Anabasis, or Going Up-Country. This account of an expedition
by Greek mercenaries in support of a pretender to the Persian Empires throne reveals
a great deal about how the Greeks viewed the barbarian Persians and, ultimately,
how they viewed
Prerequisite: CL 110 or permission of instructor.
CG 310: HOMER'S Odyssey - (4 Cr.)
TU/TH 9:40 - 11:00
Michael Arnush
Monday 11:15 - 12:10
TU/TH 11:10 - 12:30
Dan Curley
Students will refine their mastery of Latin grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. We will
concentrate on two very different Latin texts, each with its take on life and how
to live it: one,
Cornelius Nepos' biography of Atticus, famous friend of Cicero and an exemplary Roman;
two, the fables of Aesop, whose wry sketches of the animal world provided morals for
his human readers.
Prerequisite: CL 110 or permission of the instructor.
CL 310: VERGIL'S Aeneid (4 Cr.)
M/W 4:00 - 5:00
Jackie Murray
A century ago, Vergils Aeneid was considered a pallid copy of Homer and other Greek
poets. Today, it is the foremost text in the Augustan canon, and a cornerstone of
the Western tradition. Students will savor the eloquence, pathos, and humanity of
Vergils Latin, while considering the role of the poem in solidifying imperium Romanum.
Is the Aeneid a panegyric for the age of Augustus? Propaganda? A subversive critique?
Arma virumque canamus.
Prerequisite: CL 210 or permission of the instructor.
AH 223 Roman Art and Archaeology (3 Cr.)
T/TH 3:40 - 5:00
Leslie Mechem
An examination of architecture, sculpture, and painting beginning with the Villanovan
and Etruscan cultures and continuing through the Republic and Empire (fourth century
A.D.). Topics covered include wall painting, narrative sculpture, and city planning.
Fulfills Humanities requirement. Prerequisite: None.
HI 217/CC265 Alexander the Great (3 Cr.)
TU/TH 12:40 - 2:00
Michael Arnush
Alexander the Great, theso-called "world's first rock star and fantastic freak of
nature." Who was this King of Macedon, champion of the Greeks and conqueror of the
east? He has come to symbolize worldly glory and conquest, and modern critics have
viewed him either as a dashing adventurer, a ruthless tyrant, or a superhuman living
god with feet of clay and a drinking problem. Why has this complex and fascinating
figure captivated us?
Fulfills Social Sciences requirement. Prerequisite: None
PH 3XX Philosophy (?)
XX/XX Time
Silvia Carli